Planning and Analytics For Retail


Get all your sales numbers in a single picture, big or small. Consolidate your results by channels, departments and segments. With ForecastingApp you can be confident about the future.


Keep the inventory just right. Do not overbuy, or underbuy. Get the best ROI on your stock. Your stock requirements and in sync with demand at all times.


With ForecastingApp your operations are always in sync with demand forecast.  Get visibility on your peak hours by planning staff and logistics to support spikes in demand.


Stay in the loop with the sales and merchandise teams. Keep your financial projections synced with most recent demand forecast and turn departmental spreadsheets into a single source of truth.


Empower users with standard centralised system, no more supporting numeruous spreadsheets, ad-hoc data integrations and bespoke systems nobody wants to maintain anymore. ForecastingApp integrates with your existing ERP and analytics tools.