Sell-through rate

The sell-through rate is one important inventory measure that helps in demand forecasting. This rate is used to predict product demand, purchase the appropriate quantity from suppliers and steer clear of price reductions/discounts, ultimately increasing profit margins. 

What is the sell-through rate? 

Inventory sell-through rate is a measure that compares the total amount of goods sold by a store to the amount of stock initially received from suppliers, expressed as a percentage. 

Retailers use the sell-through rate to estimate how much and how quickly they can sell the inventory thereby determining how effectively they are turning over inventory and to estimate how soon they can turn a product’s initial investment into income. 

How a sell-through report is used:

The sell-through rate is used in various sectors of the retail industry including sales analysis, inventory management, supply chain management and marketing: 

What are the benefits of measuring sell-through rate? 

Limitations of the sell-through report

It is important to note that while the sell-through rate is crucial in identifying how quick products move once they are received from your suppliers, it cannot be used on its own and should be paired with other metrics. For one, you should understand your customers needs, local market tendencies and overall trends in your field.